Holistic dementia self-assessment risk questionnaire.
Why this Index?
The over 60s are the fastest-growing demographic in all of the world’s developed economies. People living to 100 years and beyond are also steadily increasing. This is good news. However, a greater proportion of elderly patients today are visiting their doctors for help with a variety of age-related health issues, including dementia.
This raises difficult questions for individuals, families and society about how to provide adequate physical, mental and spiritual care for the elderly.
Dementia is a condition in which memory functions are impaired, leading to a progressive, and usually irreversible, decline in cognitive abilities.
Dementia risk factors that cannot be changed include genetics, age and childhood conditions, such as social, cultural, environmental and economic factors.
The good news is that there are some risk factors that you can improve now, regardless of age and other conditions. Here we have gathered 40 of the most accessible factors covering physical, mental, and spiritual fitness.
By taking this easy self-assessment questionnaire, you can see at a glance which of these 40 lifestyle factors to focus on and help reduce your risk of experiencing future dementia.
For each factor below, rate yourself from 1 to 5, where 1 means Unsatisfactory and 5 is Highly Satisfactory.
For factors on which you score 3 or above, keep up the good work.
For those on which you score less than 3, note them down, learn more about them, and start working on them now.
Don’t be discouraged if you see more low scores than you expected. It’s never too late to change your lifestyle for the better. By starting now, you can age as a happier, healthier person and lower your dementia risk.